It's a small list...
...but someone's gotta post them!

There aren't very many links yet, but if need be, I'll just browse around for some. If you'd like to have yours up here, just send me the everything I need to know (page name, URL, and a description) and I'll do it!
Other RPGs
Lunar: Strange Awakenings
1,000 years after the fall of Zophar at the hands of Hiro, the world of Lunar is still in an age of peace. However, all of this is about to be shattered. Zophar has been resurrected and Althena's power has decreased! It is time once again for destiny to take a part in the world. The new Heroes of Althena will hear their call, and will rise up to challenge this evil once again, and destroy it. But what if Zophar isn't the real threat? What if the real evil has yet to be awakened, and what if it resides........within?! (Run by me!)
LunarSA2: The Destroyer
The sequel to LSA, it's also run by me! It's brand new. If you'd rather do a LUNAR RPG instead of a Suikoden one, or even both, this is the place to go!
Klaus' Diary
This takes place two years after Suikoden 2. The headquarters, for now, is in old Highland, in the abandoned castle L'renouille. Harmonia has attacked and captured the capital city of Muse, border checkpoints, and is currently laying an invasion into Toran, gaining a surprise advantage. Gregminster, however, has yet to fall.